Hebrews 5:14
But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.Right now, we're annoyed. We've been almost a week without running water, and our stored water supply is running low. I hauled rain water in to wash clothes (80 liters per load in our washing machine) so that I wouldn't use up the last of the tap water. Rumor has it that water isn't running anywhere because the water company failed to pay their electric bill (again). It's similar to what happened last year to kick off our 4 months without running water (other problems followed after they got their power back on). We know what it's like to not have water in our house, to wake up every morning thinking of where we will go to get our water for the day, to use the sink, toilet, and shower remembering how hard we worked to get this water and taking care to not waste a drop.
When we hunger and thirst for God's word, we wake up in the morning thinking about it and planning for it. We go about our day, whatever exciting or mundane tasks are on our schedules, remembering God and cherishing the word he's given us. Ask God that we would hunger and thirst for God and his word.
from "30 Ways to Pray for Missionaries," compiled by Elaine Helms for the NAMB. (the full list in pdf form is available here)